Sabtu, 23 April 2011

Proof Positive that Houses are Moving!!!!!!

Morning on Dale St
It was a dreary Tuesday.   
Specifically April 19, 2011.... 

I was on the way to my Medfield office and came across the

Late afternoon Green St

Medfield, MA   is the birthplace of  Lowell Mason  who is considered to be the "Father of American Music Education".

The Lowell Mason home was moved from it's site on Adams Street to a new foundation right by the "Swim Pond" on Green St.   It was a busy day that Tuesday in Medfield.   Not a sight that you might see often, so folks were out in droves, umbrellas in hand to watch the home being pulled by truck to it's new resting place.   The town was swarming with utility trucks and workers.
Detours everywhere!...   It took about 11 hours to make the move.
Not bad for an old house!

How House Moving Works     I'm Moving Houses Too!     Want to sell yours or buy one?

Contact me!     Carol Ann     or 508-494-9061


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