Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2011

Mr. Buyer, Please give me your name or I can't show you the home!

This past week, I have had a couple of responses to some Internet advertisements.  While I am thrilled to receive responses to my on line efforts and want desperately to sell these homes for my Sellers, I can not jeopardize my safety or the safety of my Sellers by meeting someone without getting a bit of information first!

The email said, "I saw your home on line and would like to see it Saturday at noon."

3 Geneseo Circle Milford Blog
Happy to receive a request for a showing, I replied by asking them to call or to send me their number so that I  could chat with them.     All I get in response is another request for a showing.

I politely respond by asking this person to call me explaining that I can not or would not for my own personal safety meet someone without talking to them or having some personal information first.    The gal called and we are meeting to see the property.

That very day, I get a text from someone looking to see another vacant property.   I call back and ask the person to call me, etc.    Again, no info, no meeting.   This time no response.  

I am wondering if there is  a trend developing here.  With email and texting becoming the first line in communication are home Buyers forgetting that we will need some information from them before showing them homes?   Maybe.

So, Mr. Buyer, I get that you might want to remain anonymous,  but you see, in fairness to me and to my Sellers, I can not meet you with out getting some simple information from you first!

When you request an appointment to see a home, it is best to include  some personal information, like a name and number.    Without that, as much as I want to show it to you, I can not.  I can not speak for other Realtors, but I would like to have a quick conversation with you too.   Are you working with another Realtor?    Have you been pre-qualified by a lender?   You get the idea.   If you decide that the home isn't for you and you don't want to work with me, I promise, I won't hound you or give your information out to another!

So please,  get in touch with me by hook or by crook, but don't be anonymous!
Carol-Ann Palmieri
Al and Cal Realty Group


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